Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sell Books on Amazon | Virtual Office Center | Social media ...

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Knowing how to sell books on Amazon can propel your career to the spotlight. This month I was on Life Conversations Radio sharing some ways virtual assistants help authors in their book development, publishing and marketing process. This conversation inspired today?s post. This article summarizes some of Amazon?s marketing options.

Digital Format Accessibility

EReaders give us access to bookstores on demand, which is a superb resource to sell books on Amazon. Once the book?s published, seriously consider uploading it to offer on eReader libraries for the Kindle, Nook and others. Making your books available on these devices, increases projected sales opportunities. Create an account on Amazon to upload your book, or if the process feels time consuming contact a virtual assistant to outsource the task. Having your book accessible in digital format will support receiving more sales.

Complete Your Author Profile on Amazon

Although it may feel time consuming or unnecessary, completing your profiles strengthens your book?s web pages on Amazon.? Your biography page is your opportunity to tell potential readers about your work. Encourage them to review your website or read about your other books. Be sure to use the main keywords from your website in your profile to help the search engines index your page correctly. These steps will support your objective to sell books on Amazon.

List Your Book in the Appropriate Category

To sell books on Amazon profitably, it is useful to list your books in the appropriate categories. This is a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that supports successful marketing campaigns and indexing in the search engines. List your books in categories to enable purchasers searching Amazon?s library to find the books easier. Reaching a ranking of 6 or 20 in a category can boost your book?s exposure on the website in an Amazon book campaign.

Reviews and Uploading Videos

Reviews endorse your book to potential readers. Encourage your readers to write a review of your book on the website. Videos are the highest ranking media so harness its power by including a video about your book. Inform your readers that they can include video testimonials about your books, which will help sell books on Amazon.

Using these strategies will help sell books on Amazon successfully. Implementing these tactics in a clearly outlined marketing plan can yield favorable results for your book launch. When using your book as a positioning tool to attract a larger audience, these actions will help achieve your goal for more exposure while adding an income stream.

In addition, when starting in the book development stage, use these book writing strategies to tap into inspiration on demand. Many authors feel lost when writing the first manuscript, but these actions will help get ideas transferred from the mind to the pages. While writing, it is beneficial to be around other authors, find a mentor and notice the most constructive writing times (identify if you write easier in the mornings, afternoons or evenings). These actions help authors remain motivated and complete the book timely. Speaking of timely, setting a completion date is also useful.

After writing and publishing, marketing is the next step. Optimizing your profile and using Amazon?s marketing tools will improve the opportunity to make more sales. Whether you self publish or have a contract with a publishing company, marketing will be the responsibility of the author. Also consider creating a website for the book and promote on your social network profiles. All of these online marketing activities will help you successfully sell books on Amazon.

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Written by: edford on December 24, 2012.

Source: http://www.virtualofficecenter.net/internet-book-marketing/sell-books-on-amazon/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sell-books-on-amazon

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